Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Puppies

                        Their Story

     Four and a half weeks ago, our dog (Lacey) had her first litter of puppies! We were really excited when we found out she was going to have puppies! It was our first time, so we went ahead and got her x-rayed to see how many she was going to have that way we knew how many to look for. The x-ray said she was going to have three. We were so excited! Then, came the 63 day wait, which seemed like it took forever, but then it finally came. Sunday night (9/08/13) at (8:15)  after we got home from church we walked into the garage and we heard a yelp from the corner. We immediately knew something was up. She was huddled in the back corner of the garage with her first puppy almost out. So we sprung into action, we brought her and the puppy inside and put them in the kiddie pool, which we had bought for her to have her pups in. Then she continued to have her puppies until all 5 were out. Oh, just in case you were wondering, yes, she did have 5. It was a big surprise, especially since it was her first litter! They were all born alive and healthy, and Lacey did a really good job! We had 4 boys and 1 girl. It was a little disappointing at first, until we realized how great it would work for pictures! Now I know you're probably dying to see pictures, so here they are!

This is the first born. His name is Zipper because he is the first to do everything and is fast. He is also very smart and learns easily.

This is the second born. His name is Sneaker because he is sneaky and loves to chew. He is also very ornery  and looks like his dad.

This is the third born and the only girl. Her name is Sweetheart because she has a heart on her head. She is very sweet and looks like her mom.

This is the fourth born. His name is button because he has one black dot on his bottom. He is the smallest and the most tame.

This is freckle, he is the 5th born, to see what he loves to do look at the next picture.

That's right, he loves to howl and whine when you don't pay attention to him. He is also the most playful and the dare devil of the bunch.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. More to come to come so keep checking back! Thanks! :) 

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